Your need for control…

Legendary leaders know that the journey of leadership growth is about making peace with your own loss of control. 

To “scale” or “go public” is literally the process of handing over the keys to a community that is bigger than you. Often, what made us successful business leaders at a smaller scale does not make us successful leaders at a larger scale, and the key to great leadership is acknowledging that your journey is one of loss - and being willing to jump into the uncertainty of new forms of leadership. 

(We’ve got a Leadership Stages Chart below, if you’re wondering what those new forms look like.)

When we don’t come to terms with that journey - when we refuse to acknowledge that we must plan to hand over our control and follow through on doing so - we short circuit our businesses, and they spin, forever, around the same issues and barriers. We lose competent people (who are growing) and don’t have the momentum to push into opportunities. We turn our business journey into a slog, so much harder than it should be.

There is hope though. With loss, comes greater gain. As you move into what’s uncomfortable, you will gain the skills, presence and influence necessary to bring your team to higher levels. You will grow ahead of your business. Yes, you may lose some control, but you will gain influence and wealth.

Leveling up as a Legendary leader means staying clear-headed about what’s ahead, and the changes you’ll need to make for the next stage of your journey (see chart below):

If you’re stepping up your grown as a Coach or Transformer, you can read our (unique) perspective on those transitions here.

Shameless plug: Our Legendary Analysis helps you see exactly where you stand and how you should grow to lead your business well. If you are a leader in a business, knowing where the business is at is the first step to knowing how you should show up. Our report helps you see that.

Lose control. Gain influence. Be Legendary.

Let us help with that.

-The Legendary team

Some examples of leaders who had a hard time letting go of control.

  • Due to confidentiality, company identity was removed.

    Company industry: Ecommerce

    Employees: 21

    Client: Partner

    Case: We were brought in to assess an organization that had 3 years of stagnant growth. After running a GRM, we found that the way workload was managed between departments lead to the company slowing down to the pace of its slowest department. We also found the leadership style of the CEO was behind for the where the company was at in their lifecycle. This caused a lack of adaptability to the market which decreased their ability to be competitive. The company also had significant workload management deficits that caused a large disparity between team productivity and alignment. Teams were found to be competing with each other for support and buy-in. It also found the company had not created a stable enough Core leadership team to navigate inter-departmental synchronization. The GRM gave targeted solutions on how to fix the communication and helped the organization create an aligned core team. 

    Result: A clear core team was established and that team started tackling the growth/alignment deficits in the business. The business had a 20%+ increase in sales the next year due to team alignment being stronger. RPE was increased by 20% and more work was delivered for the same costs as the year before. 

  • Due to confidentiality, company identity was removed.

    Company industry: Construction

    Employees: 21

    Client: M&A

    Case: We were called in for due diligence of a potential acquisition for an M&A company. The owner was selling the company and wanted out but the company had not grown in 15 years and just stagnated at a specific revenue amount and the M&A company wanted to know why. The GRM results revealed that the company had stagnated at the owners competency level. The GRM suggests that different leader styles are effective at different stages and in the case of this business, the business had stopped growth at the exact level of the owners competency. The owner came to the conclusion that they had hit market saturation while the data revealed that was not the reason. Despite the owner suggesting that nobody else could run the company besides him, the report found two other candidates in the company that had the leadership style necessary to lead the company. 

    Result: While the M&A company ultimately opted to not move forward with the deal, the GRM positioned the company well to be acquired at a later date. Before that, the owner did promote one of the candidates to take over more day-to-day operations in the company, leading to some small growth.

  • Due to confidentiality, company identity was removed.

    Company industry: eCommerce

    Employees: 42

    Client: Owner

    Case: This company had been going through a lot of changes in operations and asked for a GRM to help them see where some of their operations might be falling short. We found that their commitment to supporting their team well-being was actually a huge factor in them keeping their most talented staff through the changes. We did find, however, that there were gaps in their goal and information systems that were causing a higher than average communication debt. We also noted that the leaders in their company weren’t exhibiting any of the “driver” style of leadership that was needed to maintain focus amongst their productive teams. Essentially, the culture and trust was really high but the systems to keep focus and progress needed improvement. We delivered suggestions that they began implementing. 

    Result: They adjusted the way they delivered role clarity and goals to their teams along with some HR systems to support employee communication. Currently, they are on track for a 20%+ increase in sales. 

  • Due to confidentiality, company identity was removed.

    Company industry: Marketing

    Employees: 21

    Client: Partner

    Case: A firm requested a GRM as an overall health check of the company. Upon completion, we found that while the company had grown in scale, the leadership team of the company had not grown to meet the challenges. This meant that the leadership team was underqualified to manage the future growth of the company. Many company leaders were reverting back to being technicians rather than effectively supporting productive level staff. We also found the brand development had been ineffective leading to less cohesion in the company brand and a gap in legal management that had left the company exposed in a few areas.

    Result: A number of people were laid off and key leaders were asked to grow into more effective roles.

  • Due to confidentiality, company identity was removed.

    Company industry: Food Service

    Employees: 17

    Client: Owner

    Case: The owner of this business did a great job growing their business to a certain point but wanted to see what they could do to prepare their business for their next phase of growth. We applied a GRM and found that not only did the business have really healthy overall operations, but their team culture was incredibly high and the owner was great at inspiring the team. We also found that the business owner was more advanced in their leadership style than the scale of the company. We did find an issue in their role clarity, workload management and brand management. We made some recommendations that they took almost immediately and implemented the GRM solutions. 

    Result: The business sales increased by 50% over the next year and had their most profitable year. Their team cohesion increased and while many businesses in their industry were closing, they were able to adapt and grow despite the economic downturn. We do have to note that the owners willingness to see the GRM data, quickly face their gaps and adapt was the largest contributor to their success. 

  • Due to confidentiality, company identity was removed.

    Company industry: eCommerce

    Employees: 42

    Client: Founder

    Case: The COO of the company abruptly quit after an argument and a long standing disagreement with the CEO. The founder got a GRM to assess the condition of their operations and their team climate. After the assessment, we found that their Revenue Per Employee was actually too high, their operation/systems across all but 2 areas were “behind” for their scale and their team felt relatively unsupported in their work. In our followup consultation, we noted that the company revenue goals were not realistic for the condition of their operations/team health. Their Revenue Per Employee being too high was backed up by the workload data suggesting that the teams were under-resourced for how much work was expected from each individual. Between their under-resourced operations and team, we predicted the company would stagnate in the next two quarters If they did not pivot their focus back onto company stability.  We recommended they re-allocate team time from driving revenue goals to focusing on building processes to reduce communication debt, increasing staff and stabilizing their productive ecosystem. They chose not to engage with the recommendations. While we go out of our way to be as objective as possible, there are cases where the individuals may not want to engage with the data. 

    Result: The company stagnated as predicted and did not hit their revenue goals. They eventually restructured their leadership team and revenue goals to bring more alignment of their aspirations with their capability. 

Data for deep impact

The insights in the GRM are designed to cut the noise and give you the clearest view of your organization. This is why it’s used by equity financing firms, M&A and private investors, the GRM is both a health check and a planning tool all in one.

Culture & Environment

Department Health


Lifecycle Performance

Team Leadership Competency

Communication Debt

Leadership Capability

CEO awareness

Over 40 pages of deep insights that lead to a clear roadmap on how to solve specific challenges.

Results that get people talking

We’ve been a part of some great stories. Here directly from other people who have gotten a GRM

It's expanded our hope and vision for what's possible and how to do it.

- Casey B ($7M //DtC Co)

This just took all of the knowledge I’ve gained from business books in the last two decades and finally synthesized it into one report that I can take action on immediately

- Jordan W ($3M //Marketing Co)

They know exactly what to do at exactly the right time.

- Bryant J ($80M //Apparel Co)

You came into the office at a time when I needed clarity and direction and you helped our team get to the next level.

- Joel T ($30M //Media Co)

What’s Included?

  • The Climate Survey is a comprehensive tool that evaluates an organization's work environment, culture, and employee engagement by gathering valuable feedback from employees. The process involves designing and distributing a tailored survey, analyzing the collected data to determine confidence scores, and presenting the findings in a clear report. This helps organizations foster a healthy, collaborative, and engaging work environment for a thriving and successful team.

    We measure:

    • Employee confidence

    • Satisfaction & engagement

    • Attrition risk

    • Claim/lawsuit risk

  • Discover how to balance leadership styles to foster a more accountable, committed, and transparent environment. With tailored recommendations, evolve your leadership approach to meet the ever-changing needs of your business. See how your specific leadership dynamics are impacting your business success. The GRM helps you create a path in your leadership that not only drives growth but also inspires and uplifts your entire organization.

    We measure:

    • Leadership syles

    • 5 dysfunctions scores

    • Leadership gaps + deficits

    • Leadership outlook

  • The Growth Roadmap is a strategic outcome of the Growth Readiness Mapping process, providing businesses with a clear, step-by-step plan to achieve their growth objectives. This roadmap is tailored to your specific business stage and needs, ensuring that you can effectively navigate the challenges and opportunities associated with each phase of your business lifecycle.

    Your roadmap is broken up into two categories:

    • Getting areas that are behind a bit in your company up-to-speed and ready to grow. 

    • How to achieve your desired future growth.

  • Every company has a key list of needs, economies and subsystems in place in order to scale effectively. We unpack where you are at and how to effectively grow every area of your business. 

    • People Development

    • Legal, Compliance & Risk Management

    • Workload Management

    • Financial Management

    • Information & Data Management

    • Marketing & Customer Acquisition

    • Brand Management

    • Process & Policy

    • Customer Service & Retention

    • Goals & Planning

    • Strategy & Model Management

    • Partnership Management

    • Product & Service Development

    • Procurement & Supply Chain Management

    • Leadership Management

    • Culture & Identity

    • HR & People Management

    • Role Management

  • Interested in investment or acquisition? Not only will the GRM give you scores that help you improve your business, our Business Index is venture-backed and investors are using the LBI to evaluate new projects. We'll even play matchmaker for you with funds that match your goals and values.

  • Every GRM comes with a report outlining each current owner’s/CEO’s organizational awareness. This allows leaders to see how effectively they know the condition of their company and the sentiment of their employees. The report enables owners to adapt to make more effective decisions, foster collaboration, and cultivate relationships.

Unlock Your Business's True Potential.

Stop settling for mediocrity.

Imagine having a 360-degree view of your company's health, leadership, and team dynamics at your fingertips. With comprehensive insights and tailored recommendations, you can propel your business forward. It's like having a team of expert consultants guiding you towards sustainable success. Embrace the future with confidence and make decisions that matter.

Elevate Your Leadership and Team Dynamics.

Transform good teams into great ones.

Great businesses are built on strong leadership and cohesive teams. By fostering psychological safety and cultural alignment, your teams will be motivated and engaged. Tailored development pathways ensure your leaders evolve to meet the ever-changing demands of your business. It's time to boost engagement and drive performance like never before.

Navigate Risks and Drive Scalable Growth.

Scale with confidence.

Understanding risks and planning for growth is crucial. Comprehensive risk analysis highlights potential vulnerabilities and offers strategic mitigation plans. With the visibility from the GRM, you can navigate challenges with ease and focus on what matters most – scaling your business. Implement strategies that are not only effective but also scalable, ensuring long-term success. Growth isn’t just possible; it’s inevitable.

Report & Consultation

Each mapping comes with a detailed report and a consulting session so you have everything you need to act on the results.

This session helps you utilize the map to help you determine what steps you could take to improve your company. The map helps you plan and communicate your next steps and why those next steps are important.

How a GRM session works

Step 1

Quick and easy assessment

In one quick Q&A session, we can get the information we need to assess the operations functions of your business. 

Each assessment can be slightly different however the goal remains the same; to get the best view possible on how your company has grown in a given area. Smaller companies typically require less investigation as the owner and key staff hold the understanding of all areas of operations. For a larger company however, some specific investigation and discovery may be required.

Step 2

Clean Data Collection

We send out a survey to staff to collect more data & information.

This allows us to overlay staff feedback with operational data to assess the key performance of your company. We will administer the survey, all we need is either access or a point of contact with someone that has access to all staff. You will be able to see and approve all of the questions ahead of the survey. This will require about one week.

Step 3

Effective reporting & Consulting

All of the data & assessments are collected into a streamlined report (including all the raw data).

You will get one session with a Legendary consultant to help you break down the results and better understand how to build some great solutions.